ABSOPULSE Electronics has released the HTP 1K-F6W, the most recent addition to its line of compact, three-phase, high input voltage AC-DC power supplies. The units operate from a 3-phase line input of either 400Vac (360-440Vac range) or 480Vac (430-530Vac range). The 1000W supplies provide a single output of 24V, 48V, 125Vdc or custom and measure a mere 254 x 65 x 34mm chassis. They are suitable for rugged industrial applications including factory automation, industrial machinery and equipment.
The HTP 1K-F6W power supplies are ruggedized and the printed circuits are conformal coated for protection against humidity and airborne contaminants. Cooled by high quality internal fans and by conduction, the units operate over a 0°C to +50°C temperature range at full load without derating. Wider temperature ranges are available on request.
Electronic protection includes inrush current limiting, output current limiting with short-circuit protection, thermal shutdown with auto-resetting and output overvoltage protection. The units comply with EN/UL60950-1 and equivalent safety standards. EMI performance meets EN55022 Class A with wide margins, with Class B available on request.