4-Watt Power Amplifier Operates from 27.5 – 30 GHz


Balanced design can enable consistent matching to 50 Ohms at the input and output

Lowell, Massachusetts – MACOM Technology Solutions Inc. announced an addition to its portfolio of high-linearity Ka-Band power amplifiers with the introduction of the MAAP-011250. Ideally suited for next generation commercial VSAT outdoor units, the MAAP-011250 utilizes a balanced design, giving system designers’ a consistent match regardless of their board impedance.

As the demand for high speed, broadband, data connectivity continues, MACOM is seeing changes in fixed wired networks, such as HFC and Fiber along with terrestrial wireless networks, and SATCOM, in order to meet this demand. As the requirements for increased data rates and bandwidth continue to drive higher power, higher frequency and higher linearity MMICs, MACOM is well positioned to provide both catalog and custom SATCOM solutions.

With the addition of the 4W amplifier, MACOM now offers 2, 2.3, 3, 4 and 7 W power output options spanning frequencies ranging from 27 to 31.5 GHz. These new GaAs-based Ka-Band PAs can provide strong linear gain, which is expected to enable customers to efficiently increase the power from the input to the output port with minimal tradeoffs.

The MAAP-011250 is a balanced 4 W, 4-stage power amplifier assembled in a lead-free 5 mm 32-lead AQFN plastic package. This power amplifier operates from 27.5 to 30 GHz and provides 24 dB of linear gain, 4 W saturated output power and output IP3 of 41 dBm while biased at 6 V. The MAAP-011250 can be used as a power amplifier stage or as a driver stage in higher power applications. The amplifier complements MACOM’s portfolio of Ka-Band gain block amplifiers, drivers, mixers and PAs to deliver a complete chipset for high-performance wireless broadband data links.

For more information about MACOM’s RF technology solutions, please visit: www.macom.com.