The Coilcraft CPS Short Form Catalog is a comprehensive reference to the company's four lines of RF and power magnetics for critical applications. This 24-page catalog presents detailed specifications on magnetic components for a wide range of applications, including signal generation and processing, RF, power, impedance matching, LED drivers, timing and much more. The expanding CPS product line offers more choices than ever for military, aerospace, medical and other critical applications. New products include surface mount air core inductors, chip inductors, wideband RF transformers and power magnetics. The company's testing and validation services are also detailed. Four levels of products are included in the catalog. AE and MS series offer tin-lead, leach resistant tin-lead terminations and -55 to +155°C performance. The AE also passes NASA out-gassing specifications. ML and ST series meet -55 to +155°C and -55 to +140°C standards respectably with RoHS terminations. This latest catalog also includes an overview of the extensive Testing and Validation Services available from Coilcraft CPS. In addition to testing Coilcraft CPS components, testing of non-Coilcraft components and assemblies is available Coilcraft Critical Products