Using Solar Power to Provide Clean Drinking Water

Using Solar Power to Provide Clean Drinking Water

The GivePower "solar water farms"

I love stories like this. Our industry’s perspective is often tethered to the circuit board, but this is a great reminder that every technical innovation has satisfied end-users – like underprivileged Kenyans who lack access to clean water.

And it’s definitely a serious problem – about ¼ of the world’s population (around 2.2 billion people) don’t have a ready supply of drinkable water.

It gets worse if you believe climate change is an imminent concern, since the predicted floods will pollute the clean water sources.

So the NGO GivePower has taken it upon itself to provide drinkable water via renewable energy – the company has begun a pilot test program in the small Kenyan town of Kiunga to convert the Indian Ocean’s salty water into drinkable ‘sweet’ water.

And the culprit? Solar power.

The company installed “solar water farms” containing 50 kilowatt solar panels and Tesla batteries for storage. And according to early returns, the system apparently produces enough water for 35,000 people per day.

Great news, to say the very least.

Read more about this project here:

