Technical Feature (TF) Articles

Technical Feature article must be “technical design/application” focused articles.

Following are the elements of each article needed:


Short snappy description of article

Example: “It’s All Downhill from Here”


A secondary or explanatory title

Example: “Stored energy can take many forms, as EV makers are beginning to appreciate”


Name, Title and Company and Email address (email address will not be published)

Example: “John Doe, FAE, Mouser Electronics”

Body Copy:

  • 1,200 - 1500 words (MS Word document - Original format - unprotected - no track changes, review, accept or reject functions turned on)
  • 3 - 5 figures and/or tables (Must be separate .jpg files, 300dpi, Not embedded in word document)
  • Equations, (Must be separate .jpg files, 300dpi, Not embedded in word document)
  • All figures and tables (Must be referenced in body copy - Example: “See Figure 1”)
  • All figure and tables must have captions to be included at the end of the word document: (Not embedded in the images)

Footer Copy:

Company Name and URL

“Mouser Electronics”

Article Submissions:

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