Energy company offers no-cost charging for EVs



EV owners with a ChargePoint Home station will enjoy free vehicle charging

Transportation accounted for 34% of all carbon emissions in 2015. While transportation is crucial to our economy and our personal lives, as a sector it is also a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions. Further, a fundamental change in consumer purchasing and mobility behavior is crucial to any effort to reverse the global warming epidemic. The average across 2017 model EV's is projected to be 114 Miles Per Gallon(equivalent) MPG(e) in comparison to their non-EV counterparts at 40mpg.

"It's time to embrace electric vehicles as the future, and to enjoy the benefits of a more stable, sustainable and less expensive mode of transportation," said Frank McGovern, president of Clearview Energy. "We cannot leave the health of our planet and our communities to chance. It's time to charge ahead, reduce our carbon footprint, and protect our planet."

The partnership between Clearview Energy and ChargePoint, the world's largest EV charging network, is available to residential electricity consumers in select markets across the US. Under the new partnership, which is the first of its kind, EV owners with a ChargePoint Home station will enjoy free vehicle charging. Charging costs are refunded to the consumer in the form of a reimbursement.

Clearview Energy


