Vincotech launches MiniSKiiP PACK 2 and PACK 3 modules with Mitsubishi Electric's latest gen-7 chips



MiniSKiiP PACK 2 and PACK 3

Vincotech, a supplier of module-based solutions for power electronics, today announced that the company has released a new MiniSKiiP product line. Featuring sixpack topology and able to handle up to 200 A, these MiniSKiiP® PACK 2 and MiniSKiiP PACK 3 modules are available with the new Mitsubishi Electric's latest gen 7 chips.

Vincotech’s 1200 V MiniSKiiP® PACK 2 & 3 modules reduce static losses by 20 %. Designed for industrial and embedded drive applications, these sixpack modules provide superior EMI behavior and cut overall system costs. With the benefit of this extended power range of up to 200 A in the MiniSKiiP PACK 3 module, it is far more easy for engineers to turn up flexible, scalable inverter designs. 

MiniSKiiP PACK 2 and MiniSKiiP PACK 3 modules
