
July 2014
In this episode of PSDtv economic theorist and author Jeremy Rifkin explains his concept of The Internet of Things. He has gained added attention through his description of the developing Collaborative Commons. The meteoric rise of this new economic paradigm is a transformative technology revolution fueled by
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Paultre on Power - Heinz Oyrer von ams ams über Sensoren in Energiemanagement (German Language Podcast)

Heinz Oyrer von ams

In diesem Podcast spricht Heinz Oyrer von ams mit Alix Paultre von Power Systems-Design über die Rolle von Sensoren in Energiemanagement-und Bewegungssteuerung die sich in komplexen und anspruchsvollen Umgebungen befinden, wie zum Beispiel in Automotive und Industrie Applikationen. ams ist ein Marktführer in
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In this episode of PSDtv recorded to celebrate the Energy Institute (EI)'s centenary, HRH The Prince of Wales HonFEI, contributes to the energy debate and speaks of the role of energy in the circular economy. With the EI actively engaged in providing a platform for knowledge sharing, grounded on evidence-based
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