View Point

October 2016
To read the November issue of PSDE, simply click here
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People don’t think about engineers much, and in general engineers are looked upon in a positive light. Unless something goes wrong with something. In the marketplace, engineering is usually the first direction people point fingers when problems occur in a product. Unsafe and/or malfunctioning products are proble
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Continuing the old story-telling tone which began the issue, I would like to point your attention to the centuries-old proverb “For want of a nail” which describes a chain of events and their consequences from a small error snowballing into catastrophe. There are many lessons to draw from this, from the im
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Many of our readers know my references to the Internet of Things (IoT) using the old parable of the “Blind men and an elephant” from the Indian Subcontinent. The parable talks about a group of blind men who have encountered an elephant and are trying to determine what it is by grabbing the closest body part to
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