View Point

September 2019
Technology Can Help Take the Strain Off Doctors
Welcome to PSD's October dynamic content. The “Special Focus” is on the subject of technology for medical, healthcare and wellness applications. It is a subject that affects us all and new technologies will make a profound difference for many more people in the near term. In the developed work, most countries hav
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Building Healthier and More Efficient People
Baseball is a haven for stats geeks – small wonder I love it so much. Nearly every play, action, and movement can be quantified with a value. And recently, sabermetrics – or the empirical analysis of baseball – has gone far beyond the Moneyball era’s market inefficiencies. The modern game seeks to build be
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Test Gets Even More Complex
Welcome to the September issue of PSD! We are again moving into conference season, but with no electronica this year and no large shows concentrating solely on the power industry, it will be a bit quieter than normal, for me at least. I’m sure there won’t be a halt in innovation just because there are no po
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The Ubiquitous
With summer in the rearview mirror, we have Thanksgiving, the Holidays, and the “most wonderful time of year” to look forward to. Kinda. Sorta. The cold weather is miserable, the Holidays are a huge hassle, and every Turkey Day features an impromptu political sermon from crazy Uncle Bob or Aunt Susan. So it
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