Smart Power Grid

September 2012
IEC 61850 increases grid reliability

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Figure 1: Redundant 8.46 kV lines power an industrial customer's facility.

A power industry consultant recently asked for assistance solving a reliability problem for a municipal utility. The utility had recently experienced disturbances on its system, negatively
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Test today your PV inverter for tomorrow

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Figure 1: Micro-inverters convert direct current from individual solar panels into alternating current for the electric grid.

An increasing number of DERs (distributed energy resources), which include storage systems, are connecting to the grid by means of inverters. This is already evident in countries with dedicated
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Securing the life cycle in the smart grid

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Figure 1: A conscientious life-cycle design will consider threats at every step of product development and manufacturing.

Investment in smart meters and smart-grid end equipment continues to grow worldwide as countries try to make their electric delivery systems more efficient. As critical as the electric delivery
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