Wearables & Nanopower

November 2022
New 'Smart Tattoos' Tackle Tech Challenges of On-Skin Computing

Cindy (Hsin-Liu) Kao, assistant professor of human centered design, Cornell

­Researchers at Cornell University have come up with a reliable, skin-tight computing system that’s easy to attach and detach, and can be used for a variety of purposes – from health monitoring to fashion. On-skin interfaces – sometimes known as “smart tattoos” – have the potential to outperfor
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Flexible Thermochromic Fabrics Enabling Dynamic Colored Display

Flexible thermochromic fabrics enabling dynamic colored display.

­Fibrous devices have attracted more and more research due to their unique one-dimensional morphological advantages such as flexibility, light weight and wearability. In the past decade, a variety of functional fibrous devices have been developed, including conductive, energy harvesting and memory devices, se
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