Tech Talk

June 2022
­ 'Plug-and-Play' Biobatteries Generate Power for Weeks

Seokheun “Sean” Choi has developed a “plug-and-play” biobattery that can last for weeks at a time and has the ability to be stacked to improve output voltage and current, depending on how the cells are arranged.

  One of the most challenging things about implementing the Internet of Things (IoT) is powering the sensors. We need measurements of almost every metric in a system so that the processing elements can understand what is happening and provide the most accurate output. That means that there will be small sensors
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Study Helps Overcome the Barriers to Lithium-Metal Adoption


  Researchers around the world are looking at different battery chemistries, trying to find a battery that can improve on the lithium-ion ones that we use today. A better battery would offer faster charging, higher capacity, a longer lifespan and be safer. Probably the new battery chemistry that offers the
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­ Li-ion Batteries Come in from the Cold

Using the bumpy material in Li-ion batteries has the potential to open up the possibility of using them at extremely low temperatures.

  One of the main drawbacks of Lithium ion batteries is that their storage capability is diminished in colder temperatures. Its a phenomenon that happens with many different types of battery, but Li-ion batteries are the currently the most widely used type of battery, and the applications in which Li-
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EV Charging – It’s All in the Location

EV Charging is all about location

  This week brought more worrying news about the climate. A new report from the World Meteorological Organization estimates that we now have a 48% chance of global average temperatures temporarily rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius beyond pre-industrial levels within five years. 1.5 degrees Celsius is no
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