Renewable Energy

December 2010
The Energy Harvest

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Figure 1: LTC4070 application circuit operational modes

Shunt voltage references are simple to use; they have been around for many years and are in a myriad of products. However, they cannot effectively charge a battery, and to configure one to do such
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PV Inverter Trends

Figure 1: Voltage split forecast for the entry of compound semiconductor devices in PV inverters (Source: Yole Développement - November 2010)

Yole Développement announces its comprehensive analysis on the first standardization steps in the PV inverter industry. Yole Développement's analysts evaluate the market forecasts and positioning
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Renewables at University

PV installation and control system at the University

A 3.3kWpk photovoltaic installation consisting of 64 amorphous silicon modules was connected to the power grid of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). The plant is located on
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Pushing Power Capability

Figure 1: Sixpack Used as a Half Bridge

The increasing requirement in renewable energy systems and motor drive applications for ever-higher power levels is, as a consequence, driving the demand for power modules to provide higher levels
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Renewable Energy & Energy Saving

Figure 1: VCE(on) comparison of FS (Red), and NPT (Green) IGBTs

The global economic recession of the last two years has had a profound impact on world energy demand, at least in the near term. As manufacturing and consumer demand for goods and services declined
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Power from Renewables
This article describes a dual input two stage grid-tied PV inverter by using Mitsubishi Photovoltaic Intelligent Power Modules (PV-IPM) of type number PM50B6LA060. Dual circuit branches have independent
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Solar electricity generation is becoming a viable alternative energy source, due to burgeoning energy costs. Up until 2007, the German solar market was the world’s largest solar market driven by a law encouraging the use of renewable energy through incentives (the “Energieeinspeisungsgesetz”). Generating electrici
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