White Goods

January 2014
Today’s integrated circuits are operating faster than ever, and the increased operating speed can lead to highly dynamic power demand from the power supply, posing a challenge during testing using programmable power supplies. The high-speed current waveforms can lead to voltage drops at the integrated circuit. If
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The steady increase in vehicle production, along with increased demand for car electrification is a worldwide phenomena. It is expected that global vehicle production will grow at around 4% over the rest of the decade. On the other hand, mainly driven by stringent fuel economy requirement and cross-functional ne
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In this article we will examine effective ways to use IEC (International Electrical Commission) safety standards to explore the limits of a design by figuring out what standards may apply to a problem amongst the hundreds available. The standards and supporting documents from the IEC are perceived as a burden to
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Growing Opportunity for Manufacturers of Digital Power

Jonathon Eykyn, IHS

The digital power market is forecast to grow substantially in the next five years with unit shipments of digital power supplies and digital power ICs projected to grow by factors of three and five respectively by 2018 according to IHS. The early adoption of digital power has been dominated by telecommunications, servers a
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As soon as a power supply designer needs to comply with military standards, he might need to take into account the transparency or holdup requirement. Transparency requirement is the minimum amount of time during which input power can go away but the equipment is expected to remain operational. This power int
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