White Goods

December 2014
Defining consumer electronics

Kevin Parmenter, Excelsys

Once upon a time electronics went into neat precise product categories, making marketing people at electronics component companies happy. However the situation has become far more complex. Consumer electronics products are now finding their way into other applications, because frankly they are better, faster, an
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Touch control is about more than just providing an interface to a display-oriented device such as a smartphone, tablet or computer. Certainly we have become very familiar with these applications in recent years and improvements in touch technology have ensured widespread adoption to the point where mobile phones wi
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The battle raging to raise power supply density with ever more efficiency  By The battle raging to raise power supply density with ever more efficiency   Considering practical design limitations, some smart developments are shifting the focus over the next few years from ‘just’ power c
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The counterfeiting of well-known brands and products is a growing problem, estimated to be five to seven percent of world trade. Among those well-known brands are consumer safety and critical electrical products, which can have threatening implications for workers and facilities. The cost of counterfeiting
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There is no Moore’s Law for passive components like capacitors, but relentless development is delivering the kinds of devices engineers need to deliver cutting-edge new products for modern living. Capacitors have for many years enabled electronic designers to manage energy within circuits and fulfill basic fu
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Here are the results of an output capacitor benchmark study used in a step-down DC/DC converter design, based on a well-used control IC (Maxim’s MAX 1537 [1]) with a 6-24V input voltage range and two separate voltage outputs of 3.3 and 5V. “Some 99 percent of so-called ‘design’ problems associated with linea
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PFC (power-factor correction) circuit designers have used average current-mode control for decades (figure 1). Various analog PFC-control chips based on this control algorithm are available in the commercial market. Clcik image to enlarge Figure 1:     Average-current-mode control for PFC The
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