Editor Blogs

June 2019

The Lightyear One

Solar power is the red-headed stepchild of alternative energy – especially for personal transportation. This … won’t change that. The Lightyear One is billed as the “first long-range solar-powered electric car.” In reality, it’s more like a hybrid with solar capabilities. And, oh yeah, it’s far out
Solar Companies that Lobbied for Tariffs go Bankrupt
Well, that was pointless. In 2018, two solar panel manufacturers, Suniva and SolarWorld, lobbied the U.S. International Trade Commission, arguing that Chinese solar panels were a "substantial cause of serious injury" to their businesses. President Trump responded with a 30% tariff on imported solar pan
Embattled Huawei Knocks $30 Billion off Revenue Forecast

HiSilicon President He Tingbo

Turns out Huawei is anything but “self-sufficient.” Barely a month after asserting their own defiant autonomy, Huawei announced a projected revenue decrease of $30 billion. Back in May, the Huawei-owned HiSilicon – China’s largest domestic IC designer – struck an insolent tone, describing the glob
British Columbia: 100% Zero Emission Vehicles by 2040
On May 29th, British Columbia passed the Zero-Emission Vehicles Act (ZEVA), which sets a phased-in approach to zero-emission vehicles – 10% of new light-duty vehicle sales by 2025, 30% by 2030 and 100% by 2040. British Columbians buy more zero emission vehicles than any province in Canada, and the provincial
Trump Lifts Summertime Ethanol-Fuel Ban
The Trump administration ended a summertime ban on E15 ethanol fuel, and it’s made for some strange bedfellows. E15 is a fuel blend containing 15% ethanol, and while it helps reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, its use in the summer apparently increases smog. Still, the summertime ban “made it very di