Wide-Bandgap Semis

January 2020
Accelerate Design of SiC Power Converters with Eval Platform
Littelfuse, Inc. announced the Gate Drive Evaluation Platform (GDEV). The new evaluation platform helps designers evaluate SiC MOSFETs, SiC Schottky diodes, and other peripheral components like gate driver circuitry, so that they can better understand how silicon carbide technologies will behave in converter ap
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Industry-Leading Performance with GaN Power Transistors
GaN Systems announced that Siemens is integrating part of its Simatic Micro-Drive product line with GaN Systems power semiconductors. With the integration of GaN Systems power transistors, this Siemens product line features industry-leading standards and benefiting customers by power density, efficiency and ro
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Understanding the Basics of DC-DC Conversion

Figure 1: DC-DC converters can be isolated or non-isolated

When Allesandro Volta made a battery out of copper and zinc disks and brine-soaked cardboard, it was a novelty and the low power DC produced had few practical applications. As electricity became better understood and it was discovered that rotating magnets could induce AC current in wires, the world of power ge
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AI in the Data Center

Figure 1. Powering Artificial Intelligence

In a recent New York Times article, Mark Hung, a VP at Gartner, said that “almost everything Google is announcing these days is AI-related.” He said, “Google has a lead on artificial intelligence over many of its competitors, and it’s going to use that as a weapon to advance their products.” Although
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3W ACDC Converter with Transient Output Power Up to 12W
In some applications where high transient communication or drive power is required, such as electrical control systems, automatic meter reading, anti-theft alarms, and access electric lock applications, large amounts of power are outputted in a short time at transmitting and receiving data or driving relays. Therefore,
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