Technical Features

February 2016
Active Suspension Comes of Age Bolstered by High Density Power Modules

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Figure 1: The new Vicor BCM6135 enables the size and weight of an active suspension system to be reduced by half and provide symmetrical bidirectional power for highly efficiency energy recuperation.

­Picture this. You are taking a trip to the city with some friends in your economy car, and you encounter an atrocious stretch of road. As you endure the bumpiest ride you have ever faced, you are passed by a sleek sedan, easily going twice your speed. ‘That can’t be comfortable’ you think to yourself, bu
Gadgets and vital connected devices in the Internet of Things (IoT) are everywhere, and we see them gradually changing our lives. The exponential development of products with embedding radio transmitters is creating some concerns in terms of interference and equipment disturbance, especially in the case of medical ap
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