Technical Features

June 2018
Active Suspension Comes of Age Bolstered by High Density Power Modules

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Figure 1: The new Vicor BCM6135 enables the size and weight of an active suspension system to be reduced by half and provide symmetrical bidirectional power for highly efficiency energy recuperation.

­Picture this. You are taking a trip to the city with some friends in your economy car, and you encounter an atrocious stretch of road. As you endure the bumpiest ride you have ever faced, you are passed by a sleek sedan, easily going twice your speed. ‘That can’t be comfortable’ you think to yourself, bu
Selecting High-Voltage Components for Safety and Space Savings

Figure 1: KEMET’s high voltage ceramic capacitor with internal arc protection.

The laws of physics can restrict designers’ options in pursuit of miniaturization when high operating voltages are involved. Careful component selection can help utilize space as efficiently as possible while ensuring safety and reliability.  Designing equipment to operate at voltages above a few hun
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The Growing Ecosystem for eGaN FET Power Conversion

Figure 1: Building blocks of a typical synchronous GaN buck converter.

In recent years, GaN-based power conversion has increased in popularity due to the inherent benefits of eGaN FETs over conventional Si transistors. Migrating a converter design from Si to GaN offers many system-level improvements, which require consideration of all the components in that system. This trend has su
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The semiconductor industry continues to deliver greater levels of integration, therefore electronic products will continue to shrink in size but grow in performance. The user experience is constantly evolving as a result, and the physical size of a device no longer determines its impact. This paradigm is enabled by
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Alliance Delivers Greater Customer Choice in 48V Direct DC-DC Conversion

Figure 1: A typical PSA application with two CPUs and twin pairs of memory banks (Source: PSA)

Developing power system solutions for advanced and demanding applications such as data centres is challenging enough without the additional concern of being locked in to a single supplier. Forward-thinking companies in the power module industry have recognised that users of DC-DC power modules, especially those wi
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A Smart Approach to Energy Disaggregation

Figure 1 – Traditional energy disaggregation monitoring requires several submeters; NIALM monitoring happens at the main breaker level.

In today’s world, careful and intelligent energy management is critical.Rising energy costs and environmental pressures are all driving corporations to examine their energy use more closely and, in turn, driving the development of advanced energy management systems. Demand for compliance with green building
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Battery Technology: Power to the People

Figure 1: TDK battery

As the roll out of billions of sensors and wireless nodes in the Internet of Things (IoT) progresses, more attention is being paid to the battery technology that powers them. At the same time developers of electric cars are also looking for better battery solutions. Regularly changing the batteries of a bill
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Powering the Robotic Future

Figure 1: The motion control unit is wired to each actuator separately; fitted effectors require their own, separate wiring harness.

The world of manufacturing is changing, driven by various Industry 4.0 initiatives. Amongst these solutions, closely coupled, internetworked robotic solutions have to be highlighted. Closely coupled in this regard doesn’t only mean the connection to the Internet or the Internet-of-Things (IoT). The flexible networking of previously sequential, belt-supported pr
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