Technical Features

December 2010
Molded Power Inductors

Figure 1a here

Figure 1a: Saturation current (Isat) comparison between a hard saturation ferrite power inductor (orange color) and soft saturation powdered alloy power inductor (blue color) at different ambient temperatures displayed by REDEXPERT. Saturation at an ambient temperature of 20ºC

Higher power requirements and miniaturization expose passives to rising temperatures, increasing the probability of thermal aging. This article explores how to select molded high-current power inductors, which are exposed to high temperatures for an extended time. The constant market demand to increase power density
Ultralow Power High Speed ADC

Figure 1: Schematic of an op amp

High Speed ADCs are integral to low power applications such as wireless communication, medical instrumentation and data acquisition systems. Speed requirements of the ADCs vary from a few kHz to
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The Energy Harvest

Click image to enlarge

Figure 1: LTC4070 application circuit operational modes

Shunt voltage references are simple to use; they have been around for many years and are in a myriad of products. However, they cannot effectively charge a battery, and to configure one to do such
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Power Budgeting

Medicine and computers converge

TRaC is a test and certification company, providing comprehensive services with global reach through its worldwide partnerships. The organisation provides a streamlined approval process to meet
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PV Inverter Trends

Figure 1: Voltage split forecast for the entry of compound semiconductor devices in PV inverters (Source: Yole Développement - November 2010)

Yole Développement announces its comprehensive analysis on the first standardization steps in the PV inverter industry. Yole Développement's analysts evaluate the market forecasts and positioning
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Renewables at University

PV installation and control system at the University

A 3.3kWpk photovoltaic installation consisting of 64 amorphous silicon modules was connected to the power grid of the Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). The plant is located on
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Pushing Power Capability

Figure 1: Sixpack Used as a Half Bridge

The increasing requirement in renewable energy systems and motor drive applications for ever-higher power levels is, as a consequence, driving the demand for power modules to provide higher levels
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Renewable Energy & Energy Saving

Figure 1: VCE(on) comparison of FS (Red), and NPT (Green) IGBTs

The global economic recession of the last two years has had a profound impact on world energy demand, at least in the near term. As manufacturing and consumer demand for goods and services declined
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Power from Renewables
This article describes a dual input two stage grid-tied PV inverter by using Mitsubishi Photovoltaic Intelligent Power Modules (PV-IPM) of type number PM50B6LA060. Dual circuit branches have independent
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NTC Chips from Wafer Technology

Figure 1: Crack in Ceramic (for clarity a MLCC is shown)

The accuracy of the wafer coupled with assembly processes already commonly found in the manufacturing plants of IGBT modules, makes the chip form of NTC the ideal component for embedding into power
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Li-ion Battery Circuit Protection
Technological advances in lithium ion (Li-ion) batteries have enabled high-power Li-ion cells with higher energy density and lighter weight to replace Nickel-Cadmium (NiCd) batteries - and even
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Solar electricity generation is becoming a viable alternative energy source, due to burgeoning energy costs. Up until 2007, the German solar market was the world’s largest solar market driven by a law encouraging the use of renewable energy through incentives (the “Energieeinspeisungsgesetz”). Generating electrici
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