Technical Features

November 2012
Active Suspension Comes of Age Bolstered by High Density Power Modules

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Figure 1: The new Vicor BCM6135 enables the size and weight of an active suspension system to be reduced by half and provide symmetrical bidirectional power for highly efficiency energy recuperation.

­Picture this. You are taking a trip to the city with some friends in your economy car, and you encounter an atrocious stretch of road. As you endure the bumpiest ride you have ever faced, you are passed by a sleek sedan, easily going twice your speed. ‘That can’t be comfortable’ you think to yourself, bu
New technology and acquisitions benefit wireless sensing

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Figure 1: Emerson Rosemount's 3051S series wireless instrumentation exemplifies the benefits WSN brings to industrial applications: It can reduce total installation costs by 45% and total deployment time by as much as 75%, eliminating design and installation time and cost associated with wiring, conduit, cable trays, and junction boxes.

Wireless sensing is the most important new technology in process measurement to appear in decades. For this reason alone, it has attracted the sustained attention of ARC Advisory Group and other industry
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Making the switch to silicon carbide

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Table 1: SiC MOSFET and Si IGBT comparative specifications

To demonstrate the advantages of silicon-carbide MOSFETs versus silicon IGBTs (insulated-gate bipolar transistors) when used in high-power, high-frequency circuits, it is necessary to employ a test
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Medical applications demand mixed-signal ICs for high reliability

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Table 1: The LTC2376 through 2380 pin-compatible family of differential, no-latency SAR ADCs are available in 16- and 18-bit versions.

Advances in medicine and medical treatment bring the promise of more-accurate diagnoses, new treatment methods, and more patient-friendly medical care. From high-resolution imaging systems to drug-delivery
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Measure VSWR to quantify transmission-line imperfections

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Figure 1: Transmission line circuit illustrating the impedance mismatch boundary between the transmission line and the load. Reflections occur at the boundary designated by ?. The incident wave is V+ and the reflective wave is V-.

Impedance mismatches in an RF transmission line causes power loss and reflected energy. The VSWR (voltage standing-wave ratio) is a way to measure transmission line imperfections. In an RF electrical
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Designing with digital power for optimum system performance

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Figure 1: Optimising transient response parameters via a digital-power GUI.

Digital power has emerged to satisfy the need for power supplies capable of handling the complex and rapidly changing power demands of high-performance computing subsystems. These include equipment
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