Technical Features

August 2012
Active Suspension Comes of Age Bolstered by High Density Power Modules

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Figure 1: The new Vicor BCM6135 enables the size and weight of an active suspension system to be reduced by half and provide symmetrical bidirectional power for highly efficiency energy recuperation.

­Picture this. You are taking a trip to the city with some friends in your economy car, and you encounter an atrocious stretch of road. As you endure the bumpiest ride you have ever faced, you are passed by a sleek sedan, easily going twice your speed. ‘That can’t be comfortable’ you think to yourself, bu
Estimating bond wire current-carrying capacity
Semiconductor manufacturers use wire bonds extensively to connect a chip's I/O pads, including power, to its package's external pins. Wire bonding processes typically use gold wire because
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High-side automotive battery monitoring

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Figure 1: Functional blocks for amsï½s two-chip sensor interface for high-side automotive battery current sensing.

Manufacturers are electrifying more functions within a car, reducing the mechanical load on the internal-combustion engine. These functions include water, oil, and fuel pumps; valve actuation;
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Current sensing in an automotive environment

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Figure 1: An example of a shielded air-core open-loop current sensor from Raztec provides a strong combination of high performance in a small package and at low cost.

The Automotive industry has long been the ultimate test ground for electronic components. Few terrestrial environments present such a combination of demands as does the under-hood locale
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Improving engine stop-start system design

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Figure 1: Integrated gate driver with external passive components.

Automatic engine stop-start is effective in helping reduce CO2 emissions from private cars. When integrated in an otherwise conventional combustion-engine power train, engine stop-start
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Non-contact driver�s ECG monitoring system

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Figure 1: Block diagram of a typical EPIC sensor

EPIC (Electric Potential Integrated Circuit) is a very-high-impedance electric-field sensor that measures the ambient electric field with minimal disturbance. EPIC sensors are suitable for
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Hall effect current sensing in HEVs and EVs

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Figure 1: Typical HEV system block diagram

Consumers are embracing environmentally friendly green cars due to the rising cost of fossil fuels and a growing concern for the health of the environment. Sales forecasts predict that green
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Sleeping Conserves Energy

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Figure 1: CAN network with partial-networking controllers during the transmission of a message to ECU7 (without partial-networking support)

Minimizing energy consumption has become a major factor for any new product design in recent years. Hardly any industry can afford to disregard this issue in the definition, development,
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Flexible power management for complex PCBs

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Figure 1: Communication line card primary ICs and power supply requirements

The number of power supplies on a board depends on the VLSI chip complement, the communication speed between them, and the number of other devices that require unique supplies. This
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Designing with low-leakage tantalum and niobium oxide capacitors
DCL (direct current leakage) is an effect common to all capacitors. DCL values and behavior under varying electrical and environmental conditions relate to the capacitor's dielectric. The leakage
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Battery-charger trends in portable power products
The first trend requires increased battery capacities. Unfortunately, users are often impatient and charge systems must recharge these increased capacities in a reasonable time, which leads to
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