Technical Features

February 2013
DC/DC Flyback Converter

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Figure 1: Power stage of the flyback converter (simplified)

Isolated flyback converters often use optocouplers in the feedback loop to regulate the output voltage. As part of the compensation circuit, its parameters such as CTR influence the control loop and must be taken into account in the flyback converter design. The flyback converter is an isolated switching power
The power-semiconductor switches used in power supplies and inverters are based on two technologies, namely MOSFETs and IGBTs. MOSFETs can operate at relatively high switching frequencies significantly above 30 kHz but, unlike IGBTs, they have a very large chip surface area. A new generation of IGBT modules f
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Measuring wireless-power charging systems for portable electronics

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Figure 1: Qi wireless-charging system simplified block diagram

Mobile electronics can be found everywhere—homes, hospitals, schools, purses, and pockets. With the explosion in portability, consumers have come to expect and demand long battery life. Energy-efficient
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Hall-effect sensors deliver higher efficiency in brushless-DC motors

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Figure 1: Hall-effect sensors can mount in three locations: inside the motor, at the end of the motor's shaft, and around the rotor shaft's ring magnet.

As energy efficiency and cost savings become the biggest drivers in the design of electronic equipment, BLDC (brushless-DC) motor manufacturers must adapt to these new requirements, and deliver motors
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Increasing efficiency in LED streetlight power supplies

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Figure 1: Shoot through due to drive-signal timing mismatch

Solid-state exterior lighting requires a regulated AC to DC power supply to drive LED loads which can vary in size from 1 W to over 500 W. To ensure a good return on investment, these power converters
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Extend battery life with auxiliary charge-pump circuits

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Figure 1: Low-cost power supply providing a regulated 1.8 V and 2.5 V using a step-down converter and auxiliary charge pump

In many low-power battery-powered applications, cost is king. If the cost to produce a device is above a certain threshold, determined by the device's functionality and the market, that device simply
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Two methods for increasing AC-distribution efficiency

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Figure 1: Transformers that utilize the auto-zigzag construction can perform the delta to wye transformation without the efficiency loss of an isolation transformer.

The most common options for increasing data-center energy efficiency, including elimination of the PDU (power-distribution unit) and converting to DC power, require disruptive, expensive, and time-consuming
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Smart and efficient cities

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Figure 1: The SignalGuru application from MIT and Princeton, saves drivers an average of 20% fuel costs compared to those that had to stop at traffic lights.

A city by its very nature tends towards chaos. As the population of the world continues to grow, so does the population living in urban areas. The need to maintain all of the essential services
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